Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Band Geeks, this coolness could be yours....

Ah, playing in the high school band. No need to go much into it here, it's been mocked, riffed upon, parodied and played out like the Stevie Nicks cocaine-up-the-butt story. But while Stevie appears to have left her cocaine days "behind"(small joke) her, the stories of band geekdom will persist as long as there exists a fresh crop of brass and woodwind nerds collectively rockin' "Sir Duke" somewhere.

To any guy out there right now that may be takin' the shit for playing flute, stand proud brother, stand proud. Great chops are good, but it's the delivery that seals it. Take note, and witness "A Song for Jeffrey" (lucky guy, even if Jeff may now be dead).

The mighty Ian Anderson hi-falutin' with the way mighty Jethro Tull (featuring the one and only Tommy Iommi on guitar-his only gig with them, I believe). I was way too young to be into them first generation, but of course I know "Aqualung" (even the Sherpas in Tibet do), but any band that also has a track called "Locomotive Breath" is worth checkin out further. I also remember that the guy next door my Mom warned me to stay away from always wore this ratty Jethro Tull T-shirt. I would kill for that now. The T-shirt. Not the guy. Mom's instincts are never wrong.

currently listening to: Herbie Hancock, Headhunters

PS... this post is dedicated to Allan, because he is wonderful and he was the first to befriend me in the blogsphere.


Allan said...

My o my..I am honored! A dedication to moi in the same post as Ian Anderson...*swoon*

bonjourtristesse said...

awww shucks! You have so encouraged and inspired me to continue this crazy (sometimes ill-mannered)blog, Allan! Yep, Ian is the raddest...don't ya just love his "Figure 4" formation he does with his legs? Anyway, be good and talk to ya soon! E.